Recent content by av8r

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    14" Multimedia Display Instructions?

    Did you search youtube? I did. Videos exist.
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    4K Miles On My Tacoma. Should I change my oil?

    color is meaningless when it's dark. The additive packs and how long they last are what matters. That's where oil analysis brings the facts. Changing your oil too often doesn't hurt anything but your pocketbook. No harm done and learning to change it yourself is priceless.
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    4K Miles On My Tacoma. Should I change my oil?

    I've sent in oil samples from new vehicles with low miles and then with much higher miles (same engine, sample pulled at 1500 miles, 5000 miles and 10K) and Blackstone as well as Caterpillar have said all samples were good to go and they suggested extending the oil change intervals. We've done...
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    4K Miles On My Tacoma. Should I change my oil?

    I'd love to see a citation of what you're suggesting (engineers making internals able to "handle" longer intervals) and that it's considered a problem as I've not heard this perspective before. I like to learn new things and these topics have been showing up on forums for decades. The whole...
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    4K Miles On My Tacoma. Should I change my oil?

    The engineers who developed the power plants and maintenance intervals are very good at what they do. Feel free to ignore all that and spend more money, but unless or until you are sending oil samples off to someone like Blackstone Labs, you have no idea why you're changing oil in opposition to...