Recent content by Catfish

  1. C

    King Shocks for 4th Gen Toyota Tacoma

    got a set on my 4th gen. feels amazing over stock.
  2. C

    DV8 Rear Bumper For 4th Gen Tacoma

    not with that hitch, being so low. its an eyesore. given the exhaust has been replaced with the trail exhaust tip.
  3. C

    ADD Rear Bumper For 4th Gen Toyota Tacoma

    @TRD JON Do you know anything or anyone who is developing a high clearance rear? can you possibly influence any of the companies to develop one sooner than later?
  4. C

    High Clearance rear bumpers?

    I agree it’s a major mod. But it’s been done with the 5G 4Runner already. It’s nothing new.
  5. C

    High Clearance rear bumpers?

    What gives? whos got info on ANY high clearance rear bumpers? who will be the first to do it? Yeah oh well you gotta cut the rear frame... You'll end up reinforcing it anyway when you do go high clearance? seems like no one wants to even attempt it. even though C4 might be up to something...
  6. C

    4th Gen Tacoma Values Dropping FAST

    to answer your question, not that much of a discount on 3rd gens. i have had 3 3rd gens and i got them all at or just below msrp, like 1500 off at most.
  7. C

    37”+ Tires on the new Tacoma?

    Doesn’t the tundra springs fit on this since they both have the TNGA chassis? Nothing a little bit of chopping won’t hurt to have better uptravel
  8. C

    37”+ Tires on the new Tacoma?

    Seems feasible. Minimal cutting. Easy work.