Recent content by Mr_Bovice

  1. Mr_Bovice

    FREE 4GTaco Decals Available

    Looking forward to the decal 👍 is that the black colored decal? Looks clean and subtle. That’s the one I’m going to choose too.
  2. Mr_Bovice

    Free Gen 4 Taco Stock front hooks

    Hey everyone. Not sure if these are a desired part but I’m giving away my stock front hooks from my TRD Sport. I added the ORM Red Toyota hooks and have no need for them. I’m in SoCal, if anyone wants them they’re free. Thanks!
  3. Mr_Bovice

    Hello from the Buckeye State

    Congrats man, good cooor choice too. 👍
  4. Mr_Bovice

    FREE 4GTaco Decals Available

    4GTaco decal
  5. Mr_Bovice

    Behind Grille Hidden Light Bar 4th Gen Tacoma

    Great job man. Looks really clean 👍👍👍
  6. Mr_Bovice

    Collared pins for rear recovery hooks

    Hey everyone. I have a gen 4 TRD Sport and recently purchased the ARB rear recovery hooks. Was wondering if anyone in the forum could guide me to someone who makes/sells the collared pins for mounting the hooks. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
  7. Mr_Bovice

    Hello from the Buckeye State

    Hey welcome. I like your truck you have a good taste in color 😊😊😊😊
  8. Mr_Bovice

    Running boards

    Ive seen on the rough country site they have electric running boards for the '24 taco. Courious to know if anyones installed them yet. they look pretty clean too.
  9. Mr_Bovice

    Bought My 2024 TRD ORP Hybrid Yesterday!

    Looks great with the door handles and fenders left black. Congrats man!
  10. Mr_Bovice

    Show Me Your Bronze Oxide Tacoma!

    Congrats! Beautiful truck!
  11. Mr_Bovice

    Show Me Your Bronze Oxide Tacoma!

    Looks clean!!!!
  12. Mr_Bovice

    Show Me Your Bronze Oxide Tacoma!

    Thanks man. Mine has the moonroof too. No factor at all getting it wrapped. I paid $1,500 for the wrap plus they clear wrapped my entire front end, the fenders, the headlights and about 24” up the hood in PPF. Good deal for southern ca.
  13. Mr_Bovice

    Show Me Your Bronze Oxide Tacoma!

    Thanks!!! I want the TRD skid plate, that’ll be next so far.
  14. Mr_Bovice

    Show Me Your Bronze Oxide Tacoma!

    Here’s mine. Picked her up in September. So far I’ve added a hard folding bed cover and vinyl wrapped the roof, pillars and mirrors in black. I love it so far!
  15. Mr_Bovice

    SOLD ‘24 Taco Ultimate Reflector Sun Shade

    Thanks Jon! It’s an outstanding shade. Only reason I’m selling is Carhart finally came out with one for our trucks and it’s bronze colored. Looks pretty tasty on the bronze oxide paint haha.