Recent content by rustytaco

  1. rustytaco

    Snow & Ice Buildup Cause Sensors To Malfunction With Errors

    Not a crazy amount. Enough to slush up and free over the sensors. But I can imagine all the sensors totally jammed up in the case of a bad winter storm. They seem pretty sensitive. But I only had it happen a couple of times.
  2. rustytaco

    Snow & Ice Buildup Cause Sensors To Malfunction With Errors

    Yeah I wish it would just leave the lights on the dash and leave me alone otherwise, haha.
  3. rustytaco

    Cali Raised LED Bed Rack Modular Platform

    I saw them teasing this not too long ago! What a neat way to integrate something like this into their bed racks. I really like the streamlined look whet the roof rack and bed rack match so well. Like a skelatonized topper lol.
  4. rustytaco

    Cali Raised LED Modular Front Bumper for 4th Gen Tacoma $500!

    Very interesting approach. I wasn't aware that it was so customizable. I guess if you're not going to need/want a winch, and you only want it for the looks or basic protection - that makes sense. And saves you a ton of money.
  5. rustytaco

    Camping With My Sunnyside Off Road Boony Stomper Trailer

    Thanks man!
  6. rustytaco

    Any Tailgate Panels Available Yet For 4th Gen Tacoma?

    Wow! That pricing! $435 is almost double the price of others. $250 seems to be an average price. Not talking down on them, I know they make good stuff. But how did we get to such a high price point?
  7. rustytaco

    New SnailArmor Aluminum Tailgate Panel - Prototype Testing, Need Your Feedback!

    They sent me a piece of trim plastic to test fitment over the gap at the end. Should be arriving soon. Once I test it out, the panels will go into production.
  8. rustytaco

    Camping With My Sunnyside Off Road Boony Stomper Trailer

    If you ran some BamBeds (sleeping platform) in the bottom of the truck bed, you could relatively comfortably sleep 4, just in the camper... If you have a short bed, a little harder to sleep in the bed if you're taller, but very doable for kids or pets. The Boony fits two people. Maybe a dog or a...
  9. rustytaco

    Camping With My Sunnyside Off Road Boony Stomper Trailer

    Super nice to have a base camp that you don't have to break down constantly. I have wheeled with it. Did one more overland focused trip last summer. You can see the YT video we did below... It tows well and is surprisingly easy to maneuver. Did well in some really tight spots. It has a...
  10. rustytaco

    Arroyo Tires R/T Review - 1,000 Miles

    The MTs look great. Wet traction is good. As expected for an RT. Not going to see AT or HT performance, but you can't have it all haha.
  11. rustytaco

    Arroyo Tires R/T Review - 1,000 Miles

    Hey everyone. Putting together a few thoughts on my new tire setup. I'm running the new Arroyo RT in a 33x12.5x17. I've had them on for about 1,000 miles, so it's a good time for some quick thoughts. RTs are a newer tire category, they combine AT and MT treads into a hybrid design. This leaves...
  12. rustytaco

    Oil Change Cost At Dealer - Just Over $100

    Nice! Yeah I saw a 5 (maybe) 6 quart deal from Toyota online retailers for like $50. Walmart has OEM filters?!
  13. rustytaco

    Oil Change Cost At Dealer - Just Over $100

    That's not bad at all. Are you buying the big 12qt plastic bags?
  14. rustytaco

    Got My First Oil Change Done - 2,500 Miles

    Yeah not sure why the cost would be prohibitive when the vehicles are this expensive. You'd think a couple hundred bucks would be a small cost to make sure the engine is running the best it can. 5K is my max and typical window. 3K is certainly more aggressive haha. Would love to see an internal...
  15. rustytaco

    Camping With My Sunnyside Off Road Boony Stomper Trailer

    Took a quick zip to a relatively close state part on Lake Michigan. It was my first time towing with the truck (went great) and I was testing the trailer in the cold. It was also my first solo trip. The trailer did great, and was plenty warm with how I was dressed and a few blankets. Woke up...