MORRFlate Multi Tire Inflation & Deflation, NOW Automated!!


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Nov 1, 2024
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Rubicon Springs, CA
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Tire Management Made Easyyyyyyyyyyy
94 4Runner on Tracks!!

Hey hey whatsup everyone!!! MF'r Tyler here from your local NorCal Wheeling Addicted company, MORRFlate!

A little bit about us....

We focus on helping make everyone lazier! Ways to take the suck out of inflation and deflation so that a) you do it more often and b) since you do it more often, your trips become more enjoyable and you go out and enjoy the outdoors more!

We started life with our 4 tire hose kits (because, well, I am 5'16" tall and my knees dont work well after squatting at tires), and quickly realized that the hose kits have a massive quality of life improvement not just on you, but on your air compressors as well. They alleviate air flow bottlenecks and reduce the back pressures seen by compressors pushing more than 3cfm. 1 tire's valve stem can only accept about 2-2.5cfm of airflow due to the highly restricted schrader valves in them (the valve cores). By combining 4 tires into 1 air system, you increase your cfm capacity from 2-2.5cfm to about 10cfm. Which means, not only does it reduce stress on your 6.2cfm compressor that you probably paid close to $1500 for with install and helps it last longer, but we can now actually make use of higher flow portable compressors now for vehicles.

Enter the MORRFlate TenSix compressor platform! We are not entirely sure who was first to market with these compressors... us or Napa, but, at the time, Napa made WAYYYYYYY more than we did, so while we ran out of stock pretty quick, they didnt. So they are typically seen as the first ones. However, the market had spoken... they wanted higher flow compressors. So we made our own specifications to the compressors, changed how they were made, perfected the quality control processes at multiple stages of the production process, added pressure cut off switches, and changed out a lot of the internals from what they originally were... and BAM! You have our current "Gen2" compressors! These babies will for sure outperform any other "10.6cfm" compressor on the market just because of their pure ability to dissipate heat better than any others (mainly thanks to our redone internals). We are currently testing roughly 3x the duty cycle and lifespan of other compressors that look like ours on the market.

So, we got to the point where we could inflate an entire set of 35" tires in under 5minutes without having to refill an air tank twice a month at your local welding store. What's next? Well... since we love making life lazier, we figured let's get some technology involved and create some automation for air systems that don't exist yet. Enter the Air Hub!!!

The Air Hub is arguably, my ultimate goal to get to when I started MORRFlate. Automated tire inflation and deflation. The hose kit and compressors just help make it all feasible. The Air Hub is the brains behind it all. There are 3 ways to achieve automation in air systems... 1) what i like to call brute force hacking 2) slow and steady or 3) learning algorithms. 1 and 2 are how people had achieved automated air systems in the past...

1 requires the system to have a series of electronic solenoids that open and close every 1second. Whenever they close, a pressure sensor takes a reading of the working pressure, and a maths formulas tells the system whether it is at the target pressure, or to keep going... and that happens every 1 second. Which is super annoying, loud, and only 50% of the time is it actually letting air in or out, so its pretty slow.

2 requires you to slow down the airflow and restrict it so that the air is always moving at a known air flow (which just needs to be slower than a single tire can accept... so let's say below 2cfm). If you know the rate at which air will always flow, then you can create some maths to figure out what run time you need to reach a target pressure... however the major major major problem with this (other than being even slower than option 1) is during inflation, since you are creating an even worse bottleneck, you will end up melting your compressor eventually.

3 is what we had to go after then... which has never been done before. We worked with our factory to develop the learning algorithm in such a way that it ACTUALLY learns what air flow your system is capable of and operating at. This all of a sudden makes it universal with ANY air system. You can run one of our compressors, some ARB compressors, Viair, Smittybilt, even home garage compressors and PowerTanks, and the Air Hub brains will figure out whats going on and automatically adjust in order to meet your target pressure. And since it isnt restricting air flow at all (your limiting factor is still your tire valve stems), it is almost just as quick as using just our hose kits... we can still air up a set of 35" tires in under 5minutes... but now you dont have to monitor it at all. Pretty rad!

The number 1 question we get, and you always see when it comes to air systems for offroading is "how much time does it take to air up my tires?" And, now, with Air Hub, we can confidently say, Who gives a f*ck? Because its NO LONGER YOUR TIME!! You can literally set the air hub up, and then walk away, go cook some burgers, go fishing, take a nap, clean up the rig, put away your winch line, whatever you want. Really, the only time you now spend airing up and down is setting up the hoses and system, and then putting it away... so if you really want to know how much time it costs you to air up.... 1.5minutes?? Fun stuff!

Follow along with us and help us make offroading even lazier!! Let me know if you have any questions on anything or even if you have a favorite offroad non profit that you would like to see added to our fundraiser section of the website! We are always excited to help funnel more money into offroad non profit orgs that are doing some cool shit in the offroad world.

Cheers yall!!
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I second the above. Been running MORRFlate products for a long time now. From what I know, these guys are always upgrading their products. Don't be fooled by knock offs that look identical (maybe a different color) but don't have the community behind them nor the attention to details.
Just got the new airhub from MORRFLATE and it’s super nice. I need to post up some pics. I’ve been using their compressors and hose kits since they first launched around 10 years ago. I met Tyler on a random trail out in NorCal and he had like 10 hose kits. He gave me one on the spot. Been a fan boi ever since. Killer products. Amazing team. Good people.


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