Your Bump Stops Are Fine - 2024 Tacoma Broken Bump Stops

May 20, 2024
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Icon released a video a while ago breaking the shock on their 4th gen. This went viral and got super blown out of proportion. I believe they're still the only people who have had this problem yet everyone seems to be worried about it. Icon just so happens to now sell a "solution" to this "problem". Being naturally skeptical and not believing a company who's profiting off of selling a solution to a problem they made popular I decided to test this for myself so I jumped my New Tacoma to flat the see if it would survive. Ended up being a decent jump for a stock suspension truck with a good amount of extra weight. The entire weight of the truck came down on the front bump stops while the rear end was still in the air and what a surprise... Nothing happened. If you're getting more airborne and having harder impacts than I did you need to buy after market suspension anyways.

Just goes to show how anything on this new truck will get blown out of proportion due to all the controversy and popularity. As for the solution that icon sells for this "problem" I wouldn't bother. Again if you're gonna be doing things with big enough impacts to break the suspension you need to buy new suspension.IMG_4605.jpgIMG_4606.jpg
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Taco garage blew their top hat, fast forward to 18:35 to see

I was looking for others idk how I didn't find that, thank you! Seemed to be a similar scenario to icons break. Again I've done similar driving to this though with my truck that's much heavier than stock hitting big holes and rocks on the trail at high speed and haven't had this problem. I maintain my position that it's not really not a problem. 2 cases out of tens of thousands of trucks sold is very insignificant. I guess we'll see as time goes on and if Toyota thinks it's a big enough problem to fix it on the 25 taco.


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