I have the TRD Sport Hybrid, this is what I learned so Far- the premium models have 3 Aux switches on the Left driver side panel(Aux1 Aux2 Aux 3) these go to relays on your driver side Fuse box, there are 3 pigtails that you get with the purchase of your truck in the glove box. These pig tails go to 1 location under your windshield washer fill tube, 1 location behind the driver side kick panel and the last one is under your tailbed attached to the frame these locations are capped plugs.I am wondering how people have been wiring their accessories on the new Tacoma hybrid since the 12V battery has been moved from under the hood to under the seat.
Did you ever hear back from Toyota? What did you end up doing? If you have any pics most appreciated. I am adding some ditch, grille lights to my Taco would love to see how you did it.So in that box the uper left bolt in there is a 12v constant hot, my issue is where does it get 12v direct from battery or through a circuit. If it's straight 12v Batt then that's where I will get power as many others have. I reached out to corporate Toyota to see what they say
Notice his diy cables present.
but I don't want to do some DIY stuff if I can do a OEM.
If I can't well then I'm going to build a tray and fuse/relay box with a 100a cut off switch and terminal blocks. This is too high tech of a truck to Jerry rig and they did provide a harness just for this but then snub their corporate nose at us with all the Pesant blanks on our Dash.
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